Transition Ashtead
Transition Ashtead is a group of local people who aim to promote different aspects of sustainability through writing articles in the Local Pages and holding talks and events. If you are interested in helping to make our village a more sustainable place to live, this is the place for you! Our mantra is ‘reduce, recycle, repair, reuse’.
Events 2024
We promoted local community groups, specifically, the Dorking Men’s Shed and the Epsom Repair Café, as engaging people to make the most of their skills and to give us ideas to apply here. We held two Swapshops enabling people to offload items they no longer use and to acquire ones they would like for free! A free good-quality jumble sale! In October, a member of the Surrey HEAT Home Energy Advice Team informed us of the grants available for home energy saving and other useful tips. HEAT is an innovative, in-person energy advice service, helping residents take the first steps to tackling energy inefficiency in their homes, funded by the government.
For more information on this essential scheme:
Events 2025
We are planning an evening session on heat pumps and home insulation, as well as another Swapshop. Dates to be announced.
Blue Hearts Campaign – a riot of colour!
We promote Surrey’s Blue Campaign to encourage the wildflowering of residential verges and gardens, through No-Mow May and beyond, to create a linear habitat for insects and other mini-beasts. This practice has been adopted by many residents in the village and we have Blue Hearts available for sale. Email us at Alternatively, you can purchase wooden hearts online and paint your own.

Some inspiration!
RHS creating wildflower meadows
If you are interested in finding out more about us, follow our Transition Ashtead Facebook page