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Ashtead Residents' Association


The 2024 Annual General Meeting (posted 4th October 2024)

At the 2024 AGM there were spirited debates on motions to amendments to the constitution proposed by the ARA Committee “the Committee” reflecting the result of the ballot held on the Autumn of 2023. Amendments to the ARA constitution require a two thirds majority. A majority of members present agreed with the amendments however, there was not a two thirds majority, consequently the motions were not passed.

Two further motions in the name of an ARA member Peter Williams did achieve a two thirds majority and the constitution has been amended, as follows:

In the Management Section:

  • The words ‘support and’ be deleted from the third sub-clause in Clause 4

  • Delete all of Clause 17

Add the following clause to Aims and Objectives 2:

  • To encourage those prospective and present Councillors who will not join any group or party that is subject to a whip which has the effect of overriding the best interests of Ashtead Residents.

The ARA Committee would like to thank Peter Williams for the undertaking, and congratulate him on achieving a two-thirds majority and amending the constitution.

ARA Committee

The consequence of AGM vote was that a number of the ARA Committee concluded that the AGM motion votes did not reflect the 2023 ballot result and was acutely unfair and resigned or did not re-stand. The current constitution requires that the ARA Committee have five members to operate (clause 10: Five shall form a quorum). The Committee currently have four members. More significantly the Committee is devoid of a Chair-person, Secretary and Membership Secretary.

Due to the Committee not having a quorum the Committee is unable to make any decisions. This includes not being able to co-opt additional committee members or act on planning and transport matters.

Way forward

The ARA exists to promote the interests of the Membership, including where necessary making representations on planning applications and rail and road matters. It goes without saying that the ARA should continue and not be allowed to demise.

The Autumn meeting will be a second general meeting (GM) which is booked for Thursday 14th November 7pm in the main hall at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall (APMH).

The following agenda items will be addressed, the meeting will be chaired by the President.

  1. Update the Membership present on the current status of the ARA Committee, including the number of Committee members and the vacant roles (Chairperson, Secretary, Webmaster role & Membership Secretary). Peter Shrubsole is covering the Secretary role until a secretary is appointed and David Baker is covering the webmaster role.

  2. Seek the views of the Members present on whether or not they, the Members, wish the ARA to continue and in what form.

  3. Invite ARA Members to volunteer to be co-opted to the ARA Committee to undertake the work of the Committee Members, including assisting with the vacant roles.

  4. Vote on prospective new Committee Members, who have been nominated and forwarded to the acting ARA Secretary (via, at least 14 days prior to the GM.

  5. Vote on any volunteers at the GM who wish to be co-opted on the Committee (maximum of four).

  6. Vice President: Currently there are no Vice Presidents, invite volunteers to undertake this role.

An effective ARA Committee is essential to the well-being of the Associations membership. The Committee urgently need additional members to fill the aforementioned vacant roles and return the Committee to a healthy number of between 12-16 members, up to four of which can be co-opted.

If any ARA member would like to be become an ARA Committee Member, to be voted on at the GM, please email the

ARA Committee

29th September 2024

Ashtead Residents’ Association has been working for Ashtead since 1945.

We operate through a Standing Committee, which meets on the second Monday of each month.   We are always open to welcoming new committee members to help with the work that we do or to bring new skills or interests that would allow us to expand the areas of work that we cover, some of which are outlined below.  Please contact the Secretary if you would like to learn more, with no commitment.

From the relatively small village that it was in 1945, Ashtead has grown into 10 distinct character areas as defined by Mole Valley Council’s Built-Up Areas Character Appraisal for Ashtead.   ARA seeks to preserve each character area by reviewing all of Ashtead’s Planning Applications and writing letters of representation to Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) as appropriate.  We also pay close attention to the environmental implications of all planning applications to ensure that the ecology of the village is not compromised.

We maintain a good working relationship with Network Rail and with both of the rail companies operating through Ashtead Station. We work in partnership with them on station issues, including car parking facilities and level crossing maintenance closures. 

We liaise with Surrey County Council (SCC) on highways issues and attend the Ashtead Highways Forum three times a year to press for improvements to roads, pavements and parking.

We work closely with Ashtead’s seven Independent Councillors, who are invited to attend the first half of our monthly meetings to report on Council matters and initiatives and to address key issues that we may want to raise with them. 

We maintain a close working relationship with the Residents’ Associations in Bookham, Fetcham and Leatherhead and with them attend bi-monthly meetings with MVDC Officers where we not only raise our individual local concerns but also present a united front on issues that affect all four of us here in the very north of Mole Valley.

Ashtead Residents’ Association (ARA) is independent of all political parties; we act solely in the interests of Ashtead and its residents without allegiance to, or at the behest of, any other body.  The level of our membership determines the weight of our voice when making representation on behalf of residents to statutory bodies such as MVDC and SCC as well as third-party service providers including transport and utility companies so do please sign up to membership of the Association through the link on our Home page.


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