****  URGENT PLANNING NEWS **** See Blog for details

Ashtead Residents' Association


Waste and Recycling Contract to be reviewed in readiness for 2027

Existing contract expires in 2027

Since 2017, Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) has been one of four Surrey district and borough councils involved in a joint contract for waste collection and street cleaning services with Amey LG Limited. The joint contract, which is managed by a separate, but shared, service called Joint Waste Solutions (JWS), expires in June 2027.

MVDC, alongside Elmbridge, Surrey Heath and Woking Borough Councils, requested JWS to appoint a specialist consultant to evaluate the options for delivering waste and street cleaning services, whilst also considering alternative methods as to how waste collection and street cleaning services could be delivered in the future to maximise recycling and service reliability, as well as reduce residual waste.

Having considered the options, the recommendation was to reprocure a joint contract for waste collection services and optionally, street cleaning in partnership with the three other Surrey councils. If agreed, the start of the procurement process would need to begin this coming July. Doing so would allow for the necessary legal considerations ahead of appointing a new provider in April 2026. A further 12-month transition period would then be in place ahead of full mobilisation in 2027.

It is anticipated that even the most cost-effective option will be more expensive than the existing contract and this has been taken into account as part of MVDC’s Medium Term Financial Plan.


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