Residents' Association Annual General Meeting at the APMH on 17th April at 7.30pm. Doors open 7.15pm. Bar available.

Tele: 0300 030 9980 (local rate call charge)

Ashtead Residents' Association


Murreys Court - Two similar applications - two contrasting decisions

We believe it would be beneficial to explain the decisions made by MVDC relating to the two planning applications submitted for the development of Murreys Court, Agates Lane.

Two applications applied to the site and both had a full similar description of the proposed work. 

Application MO/2023/1539, which related to the demolition/partial demolition of existing buildings, erection of 60 retirement units and a 66 bed care home and landscaping was refused.

However Application MO/2023/1538 was approved, but related solely to the retention and refurbishment of the Grade 11 Listed Barn. Had the scheme for development of the site been approved the Barn would have been available as an additional lounge/meeting place for residents.


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