If planning holidays in August, there are Level Crossing closures - Friday 9th August 2024 > Monday 12th August 2024 and Friday 16th August 2024 > Monday 19th August 2024. See - https://www.ashteadresidents.o...

Tele: 0300 030 9980 (local rate call charge)

Ashtead Residents' Association


Links Road to Green Lane Townpath improvements

Grant success!

The Residents' Association has successfully applied for a Grant of £35,000 to improve the often muddy and impassable footpath from Green lane over the railway to links Road. The funds will come from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) pot held by Mole Valley Council.

As the works will involve proximity to the railway plus installing new drainage the ARA is pleased to say that Surrey County Council have taken over the mantle of scoping the works and carrying out the improvements with their own contractors. As a preliminary to beginning the work SCC will liaise with MVDC to transfer the funds to a ring-fenced account held by SCC. Should there be surplus funds remaining after the works these will be returned to the CIL pot with MVDC.

No date has yet been set to start the works, but as they will in all probability involve temporary closure of the footpath we will ensure advance notice is publicised on the web site.


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